The following in order of importance are especially beneficial to women’s health:
1. Bone broth – if you are interested in beautiful hair, skin and nails, bone broth made from organic meats is perhaps the best food on earth. Everyone focuses on beauty by applying creams but effortless beauty happens from the inside out. It is 900% more effective than topical creams. Bone broth is packed full of nutrients, amino acids, gelatin and is easily digestible. It is great for your immune system, your joints and helps to repair gut issues you may have from consuming too many grains and sweets over the years. Take a selfie today, consume bone broth daily and you will see an amazing difference in your skin in just one month. It is so easy to make. Check out this 50-second video:
2. Greens – are excellent for boosting folate and iron levels, which are essential for boosting energy in women. (Note: iron supplements are very difficult to digest). These nutrients are also critical if you are a young woman planning to start a family in the next few years. Which greens? Lettuce ‘salad’ greens, baby spinach, kale, beet greens, broccoli, and most potently, herbs such as parsley, basil, coriander, thyme, oregano. Sage in particular is very powerful to alleviate menstrual pain.
3. Organic Eggs – especially the runny yoke is easily digestible and contains the amino acids lutein and choline, which help balance the female hormones. They are also high in Vitamin D and E, which are great for the skin. The phospholipids in eggs also boost brainpower.
4. Berries – especially blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries are very cleansing for the urinary tract. Berries are also powerful antioxidants, which prevent skin aging and sunspots. Pomegranate may not be a berry but it has the same cleansing antioxidant effect. My personal favourite is blueberries because they taste great smoothies.
5. Flax Seed – they high in fiber and essential fats, which promotes healthy skin and hairs (anti-aging and hormone balancing). They are also high in a special type of antioxidant called lignans, which eliminate yeast and candida from the body. Best to use flax seed in your morning smoothie by soaking two flat tablespoons overnight. Avoid buying and using pre-ground flax seed. Best to buy ‘golden’ flax seed as it is the highest in lignans.