Here are 7 Tips to boost your energy this weekend
1. Drink more wine

Here are some documented benefits:
– Can preserve your memory
– Helps you maintain a better weight
– Builds better bones
– Wine boosts your body’s defenses
– Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
– Cuts risk of colon cancer
– Cuts risk of cataracts
2. Avoid the Three White Evils
Salt, Sugar, Flour
3. Get your carbs from pumpkin, sweet potato, brocoli, rice or barley.
4. Get more Sunshine
Apart from boosting vitamin D, the sun helps to reset your body clock to regulate your sleep and energy levels. Get sun within the first 2 hours of sunrise and the last 2 hours before sunset.
5. Use Maple Syrup Instead of sugar
Sugar is highly acidic on the body. Maple syrup is in fact an alkaline. It is natural and a great source of calcium, potassium and B vitamins.
6. Start your day with a super summer smoothie
I have been having this smoothie for the last 10 years as a kickstart to my summer day. It is detoxing and gives me unlimited energy throughout the morning.
Skim Milk (I substitute rice milk),
whole banana (make it organic),
qtr papaya (great for digestive health) but you can substitute mango,
table spoon maple syrup,
and tea spoon 100% cocoa powder for that natural caffein hit.
If you do weight training add two egg whites for protein (organic of course)
7. Avoid frying
But if you have to, only use Canola oil. For salads use extra virgin olive oil, of course.
Have a great weekend!