5 Small Tips that have a BIG Impact on your Work Performance

There is no doubt that medicine makes this goal even more achievable. But if you look closely at the statistics you will notice that whilst people are living longer, they are not living a quality life. In fact if you visit nursing homes you will see that some are living a miserable existence of their dire circumstances.
In my next blog I will share with you one particular secret to long life that is backed by scientific evidence and many years of research. This was recently shared to me by a GP friend of mine. I was surprised by the information and will share it with you after I have a chance to read the material.
I am talking about the sort of fearless leadership that sets a business assail toward new frontiers, where the journey lasts years, motivates many and delivers a bounty.
The following is a list of inspirational traits I have witnessed among business leaders whom I have had the pleasure of working with over the past 24 years.
1. Fearless leaders do not try and predict the future. They focus on shaping it. In a fast and ever-changing business environment it is futile to try and predict the future, especially when it comes to consumer trends. Fearless leaders know this. Instead they focus on creating and setting the trend.
2. Fearless Leaders are decisive and act fast. Fearless leaders have a mindset toward making a decision, implementing it quickly, learning, adapting and continuously improving. Fast. It sometimes means accepting risks, forgiving mistakes and learning from everything. Fearless leaders set aggressive deadlines and insist on meeting them. They have no time for protracted analysis, long-winded meetings, and unnecessary reviews and checkpoints. Speed of decision-making. Speed of implementation. They thrive on it.
3. Fearless Leaders are always right – even when they are wrong. I know this is a contentious trait but fearless leaders don’t care if they are wrong sometimes. Conviction is better than tireless collaboration, which inevitably leads to inaction. Sometimes making a mistake and correcting it quickly is much more effective than impotent collaboration – just ask Mr Obama how that’s going.
4. Fearless leaders wear their heart on their sleeve. They are intense, passionate and often the most animated in meetings. They do not try and hide their true personality. What you see is what you get – in the boardroom or at the pub. They do not sugar coat anything. They tell it like it is and spare no one. But they are always constructive and never hysterical to the point of spooking others.
5. Fearless leaders put the business first and ego’s second. Including their own. There is something bigger than all of us in an organisation. And that is the mission. Anyone putting their personal interests ahead of the mission cannot call themselves leaders, let alone fearless ones. Anyone who has seen the movie Braveheart would understand what I mean here.
6. Fearless Leaders build a team of champions around them. Including their suppliers. They do this by recruiting the best, not tolerating mediocrity and demanding innovation, hard work and round the clock intensity. They recognise that nothing great has ever been created with a 9 to 5 mentality.
7. Fearless leaders have one-on-one meetings with the right people to get the ‘real’ picture. People are rarely full and frank in open business meetings. They will NOT say what’s really on their mind. Or worse still, they will not say anything at all. If you want to know what’s going on in people’s hearts and minds, a one-on-one meeting is best. Especially, if you do it out of the office. I usually go for a walk to get some fresh air and gain some perspective.
8. Fearless Leaders zoom in and out of their organisation. This is my personal favourite and one that I try and adhere to. Fearless leaders sweat the small stuff. They know that the smallest of details can sometimes mean the biggest difference in setting you apart from your competitors. They can zoom in on a specific issue and mix it with staff at any level. They can re-engineer, re-design and get technical. They also have the uncanny ability to zoom back out and not miss the big picture.
9. Fearless leaders build a legacy not an exit strategy. Fearless leaders are not satisfied with short-term results. They do not pursue a strategy that grooms their business for sale. They do not distribute dividends and bonuses at the expense of research and development. They stay focused on the future and the positive impact their products and services can make on society.
10. Fearless leaders are fiercely competitive – they hate losing!
If you want your woman to climb the table to kiss you on Valentine’s Day, read on.
Most guys I know (myself included) are very courageous in sport and in business – but when it comes to intimacy they are so terrified of being rejected that they are sometimes reluctant to initiate sex. What most men don’t realise is that intimacy is not an ON/OFF button you can press whenever you want to get some. It is a culmination of your actions over days, weeks and months.
My philosophy is to talk less and show more. Talk is cheap. In fact the deepest moments of intimacy occur when you’re not talking.
1. Do like Andre Agassi – he has a black board in the kitchen where he writes a DAILY note to Stefi Graf telling her what he loves about her. It can be the simplest thing like “I love the way you eat a mango” or “I love the way you cover your mouth when you smile”. If you do not live with your partner, a simple text message on waking every morning is awesome. She will read it throughout the day.
2. Send Her A Gift Unexpectedly – Sometimes the “just because” gifts we give mean as much or more than those given on special occasions.
3. Arrange An Entire Evening Together – Create the atmosphere that you know that she loves, and make it like a complete date; the great meal, the right music, and a romantic comedy or film she loves. And finish off with a bath or shower together.
4. If She Works In An Office Setting: Send Her A Bouquet Of Flowers For Her desk That Will Last A Week – Include a card, letting her know you wanted her to have something lovely to look at that week at work.
5. Buy Her Something To Her Taste At A Lingerie Store – They have the most helpful people there who will help you put together a gift package that will be appreciated, romantic, and hopefully, used!
6. Check Into a Hotel – Take her to a nice hotel in town and enjoy room service, shopping, indoor swimming, or whatever she wants to do. Instead of booking her into the spa for a treatment, give her a full-body massage yourself. It’s not that difficult if you take your time and use the right oil.
7. Tell Her You Want To Shop With Her For A Special Present -Take her to her favourite stores, or ask her what she really wants or needs. Hold her hand throughout the experience. Shop with her patiently, and when she buys something, tell her that she deserves it.
8. Write Her A Love Letter – Be soft and generous in your praise of her. Use the kinds of words you used when you first got together
9. Ask Her To Plan A Weekend For The Two Of You – tell her you will go anywhere, do anything, and basically, cater to her and with her, for 48 hours.
My last tip is to work just as hard on your love life as you do on your work life.
Here are eight agreements you should make with yourself to help you build discipline and willpower in 2012. I do this exercise every year. Whenever I get complacent or fall into a rut I go back to these agreements and remind myself not to break them.
Health – Cherish your body. Nothing else matters more. Focus on the energy you have. Eat well, exercise and relax daily. Fill your daily life with purposeful activities that give your body a reason to manifest energy.
Love – Love yourself by looking after your health and guarding your mind against negative images, negative thinking and negative associations. Look your best by wearing clothes that make you feel attractive. Have the courage to show and give love to your life partner, whether or not they give it back. Tell your partner daily what you love about them – words are powerful. Work just as much on your love life as you do on your work.
Family – Support your family at all times. Give them the confidence to pursue their goals and dreams. Help them overcome obstacles. Focus on their strengths and their good qualities. Remind them daily of that. Tell them you love them no matter what happens – whether they succeed or fail at anything. Spend time developing a relationship with all family members.
Work – Choose to love your work. Always do your best. Focus on the difference that your product or service is making to society. Have empathy for your customers. Value the privilege of serving them from the heart. Be grateful that you live in a society where there is the opportunity to work. At all times be honest in the execution of your work. Master your job by constantly learning and evolving. Always ask yourself, ‘can I do this job better?’ Be impeccable in your conduct at work. Be fearless in your execution.
Friendship – Let your words, laughter and charm bring a smile to others. Help your friends see the lighter side of life and not take themselves too seriously. Act with integrity and hold true to your standards and beliefs. Never compromise them to be popular. Never pre-judge others. Be open to new friendships. Always greet people with a smile and a friendly hello. How others respond is their own reality and has nothing to do with you.
Learning – Commit to 45 minutes of learning daily about every aspect of your life and not just your work and wealth. Limit watching TV and other popular media. Watch uplifting talks by great thinkers on TED.com. Read books from pioneering minds. Attend courses and seminars organised by people who care and have something unique to share. Listen twice as much you talk. Discover your talents by having self-awareness for your thoughts and feelings. Live a conscious life where you decide what you want to listen to, read and watch.
Wealth – Invest in yourself first before you invest your money. If you have a business invest in your own field of dreams first before investing with others on the stock market. Live a frugal lifestyle and reduce your dependence on money. Spend less, save more. Say no to consumerism and your addiction to buying more and more things that end up collecting dust in the attic. But don’t skimp on things that improve your life.
Charity – Learn about the plight of others in need. Don’t shut yourself out to other people’s suffering. Help others by giving your time and/or money. Charity does not have to be grand. A simple kind word of support is sometimes all that someone needs. Help a team member at work. Share an idea that can help a friend live a better life.