"Operating at your optimal performance comes down to having better life systems not motivation."
"I have designed an operating system for success that will cause an outright revolution of transformation in your life."
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Do you wish you had Super Powers?

As a kid I was obsessed with Superman and Spiderman. I loved the fantasy of defeating villains and saving the world!  As an adult I realised that we are ALL already blessed with super powers. 

To think otherwise is an insult to God who created our amazing abilities.

So I urge you not to take your powers for granted. You are already a super hero.  Believe in yourself and believe in your creator. You are so much more powerful than you think. Next week I will publish an article giving you 9 practical tips on how to do that. For now I want to share with you this little but powerful tip.

When I left school and started working I was anxious about my ability. I doubted myself and carried much insecurity. BUT there was a mantra I used to repeat to myself three times before I got out of bed every morning:

“You are so much more than you think you are. All of Gods strength and power rests inside of you.”

I still repeat this mantra to myself now. Whether it is before a meeting with a client or before running a half marathon.